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Albena Petrovic-Vratchanska




Daniel Martinez Roura




Elo Masing











Elo Masing is a composer/free improviser/sound artist of Estonian origin, currently based in Berlin, Germany. Her music has been performed internationally by renowned soloists and ensembles, such as Estonian National Symphony Orchestra (EE), Ensemble L'Itinéraire (FR), Ensemble Adapter (DE), Ensemble Fractales (BE), Ensemble mmm... (Japan), Ensemble Synaesthesis (LT), Ian Pace (UK), James Aylward (AU/NL), and many others, and has appeared on labels such as Squeaky Kate, squib-box, CRAM, Creative Sources, and 577 Records. In 2015, she was awarded a PhD from the Royal Academy of Music, London, where she explored the physicality of instrumental performance in chamber music, and with support from the Academy, received private tuition from Rebecca Saunders in Berlin. (more info)






Idin Samimi Mofakham




Joakim Sandgren




Joan Bagés i Rubi







My sound work includes both instrumental music, electroacoustic music, acousmatic music and sound installations. Far from addressing these creative facets as independent elements I try to trace a continuum based on the creation of networks between these disciplines. What unifies my creative work is the permanent research in what I call "Spectro-morphological composition by differentiated layers in a holophonic creation framework" At the same time, I draw graphic notation systems derived from conventional notation, I use and create systems interactive musicals and I have developed the concept of "sound score". (more info :




Lina Järnegard




Marta Talvet




Martyna Kosecka




Xavier Gelabert



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